Tuesday, July 12, 2011


so i was just reviewing the stats page associated with this blog, and it looks like i have some new first time readers of my blog (if this comment has caused anyone a slight panic, don't worry. i don't know who you are -- just what country from which you originate and there are some new ones that have popped up. so never fear, no one will ever associate you with any of the content herein. your reputation is intact, but just in case, wear dark sunglasses the next time you visit). this discovery caused me to take a look at the pages that had been viewed and re-read those entries. in turn, i feel like i need to comment on what i learned from such a review.

other than my appalling use (or lack thereof) of punctuation and my tendency to have overly complex verging on labyrinthian sentence structure (as well as my use (or perhaps overuse) of parenthetical commentary), i noticed one key point. i tend to blog more during times when i am struggling with life than not. now this fact makes sense in that it's likely that during the more difficult times, i'm more introspective. add to that the fact that i want to capture such moments for future reference as a reminder that i've experienced difficulty and come through to the other side and heavier periods of writing here is the natural result. still a bit of balance is called for i think, so i am going to do my best to blog as much during times when i am deliriously happy as i do when i am in the depths of despair.

now to those long time readers, i actually do have times when i am deliriously happy (and to those who actually know me in the "real world," i know that "deliriously" might be a slight exaggeration of my "up" moments, but i have to front for the other peeps or they might not come back). life after all does have sunshine (even though lately it feels like i'm in the midst of an extended eclipse) as well as rain, so i will try to capture both. i need to do that. or i could, in turn, just post a warning at the top of the blog advising readers to hide any sharp objects before reading. that's what i do when i sit down to write. 

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and this is where I am