Saturday, July 16, 2011


i was at newbury comics earlier today picking up my weekly comic pulls, when i passed the cd rack and saw colbie caillat's newly released cd, all of you. now, heretofore, ms. caillat was an artist of whom i was aware but had never purchased any of her music. yesterday, i caught the tail end of the first release "brighter than the sun" on the radio (on larry flick's morning jolt on sirius/xm outq 108 to be precise), following which the host of the show stated he had heard the cd and thought that it was really good. so i thought, "what the heck, let me try it out" and added it to my stack of purchases.

now had i known it was going to be a cd filled with love songs and given my somewhat still wounded heart, i probably would have passed on it. i'm glad i didn't know because listening to it yielded in me the most surprising of reactions. i smiled (both on the outside and the inside). i can't think of a better reason to add my own high recommendation for picking up this album.

here's a link to the cd on where you can sample the songs and maybe put in an order (so far my fave song is "what if"):

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and this is where I am