Wednesday, August 3, 2011

a note

i got a note from someone last friday with whom i've been in recent conflict. the note said simply, "so you really not speaking with me anymore." i thought about responding. i thought about explaining that when i'm in a particularly vulnerable place, my self-preservation instinct takes hold, and i tend to avoid anything that could be potentially hurtful. i thought about telling him that i felt that neither of us were in a good place to be able to produce a productive dialogue and that i just saw the pattern of misunderstanding and misperceptions continuing, and speaking for my part, just mounting hurt upon hurt in my heart. i thought about writing i have a hard time coming back from being characterized as a stalker, a user, and an emotional basket case to mutual associates. i thought about writing a lot of things. but i didn't. it seemed kind of silly to write back a message that basically said, "yes, i'm really not speaking with you anymore." was i wrong?

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and this is where I am