Monday, August 1, 2011


i'm sure i've mentioned (likely on more than one occasion) that patience during periods of waiting is not my strong suit. so this past friday, you can imagine my great joy when i found out the schedule for the new job offer has been pushed back again. it looks like said offer will not materialize until the week of august 22 at the earliest (this is a week past the previous deadline). to provide some perspective, if the first schedule had come to pass, today i would have been working in the new job for about two weeks. we're now looking at my starting slightly over a year after i first learned from my once and future boss that she would likely be leaving and that she wanted me to follow her. that's a long time to live in limbo. needless to say this latest delay has not put me in the best frame of mind.

for me when delays happen in what feels like the simplest of processes then i get discouraged in the accomplishment of what seem like more complex endeavors -- the chief of these being (not surprisingly) developing a long lasting relationship with a significant other. it doesn't help that this delay with the job seems to push back that goal even further (no new job, no move. no move, no reason to get started back in the dating pool). and so i sit and i wait.

on a related note, i also was struck today with how being in my current job for so long has impacted my work style. i was looking over some work that i've been doing as a consultant for my future employer this morning. i was not able to participate in the latest meeting of the group and so was reviewing the latest version of this document that we've been working on for a couple of months. i was so impressed by the caliber of the work and struck with how well this was group was handling the work in comparison to how my current colleagues have done with similar work. it was then that i realized that i'm going to have to do  some serious readjustment to my work perspective. it's been so long since i've worked with such highly competent and responsible professionals that i've found myself adding steps to work for which i've been responsible to ensure even some modicum of success. many of these steps will likely no longer be necessary in the new work setting, and i need to be sure that i am consciously recognizing what is still needed and what can be jettisoned.

what will i do with the extra time? maybe i can finally start on that book i've been meaning to write some day. then again, i still have to get to the new job first. sigh.

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and this is where I am