Saturday, August 6, 2011


odd. it was the last word i received in an online chat i was having yesterday evening. odd. a simple three letter word that seems to characterize perfectly just about everything in my life right now -- how i'm feeling, how people are acting and reacting, how events are playing out. it all just seems very strange. 

i was reflecting earlier today that i feel like up until a few weeks ago, i was walking this tightrope of some basic level of rationality and good humor. Then recent events brought disappointment and hurt and the rope snapped. now i seem to be in an emotional free fall of sadness and depression. there are moments that i feel my descent is slowing and that i'm perhaps even close to stopping. then the moments pass and the abyss swallows me up again. 

it has not been a good time. odd indeed.

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and this is where I am