Friday, May 30, 2014

an unfortunate task

i believe i've mentioned before that i have an employee that is not performing at the level that we need him to be performing. i've had discussions with him, provided guidance, attempted to described the dire nature of his situation as clearly as directly as possible. and the poor performance has continued. now mind you, he does do some work, but as i have shared with him and many others, we can never confuse "activity" with "accomplishment." i have also marveled with this particular individual, who is truly a pleasant and well-intentioned individual, that when he presents information he can tend to say so much about very little.

the reality is he's just in the wrong job. and the unfortunate thing for him is that we need the right person in that job that he's currently occupying. and so, with the endorsement of my boss, i had a meeting with human resources yesterday to put in motion the process of terminating his employment. the fortunate aspect of the situation is that he is eligible for a healthy severance package and benefits. still, losing a job is never an easy process for anyone.

now because of schedules, which includes my upcoming, much needed two week vacation, we won't actually be letting him go until a little over a month from now. it's going to be a long, long wait until then.

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and this is where I am