Friday, August 29, 2014

making it through?

the work day ended at 4 p.m. today (my version of leaving early for the weekend) and as i was packing up, i kind of looked up and stared ahead in amazement at how i had been able to make it through the week as well as i did. pretty much every night this week i've gone to bed exhausted and wondering how on earth was i going to engage in yet another busy "meeting and leading" filled day. and every morning i woke up in the same state. and yet make it through i did (and truly worn out by the effort).

and now, as i type these words, the sun is setting over the mountains that i would be able to see outside of my living room window if not for a few buildings in the way. but i can see the orange red reflection on the clouds above, and i know darkness will soon claim this corner of the world once again. and i wonder, as challenging as the week has been, is the true gauntlet my three day weekend ahead?

time alone means time to revisit many an unpleasant and painful experience both old and new. i guess that's why as i left the office and someone wished me a good weekend, i couldn't help but think, "if only...."

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and this is where I am