Saturday, August 30, 2014

so many sages

when you're struggling with depression and dealing with circumstances that seem to reinforce your negative outlook on life, people, who profess to care about you, tend to have a great desire for you to get better as quickly as possible. to assist with that rapid recovery you often get quite a bit of advice about how you should be viewing the situation, what steps you should take to improve your attitude, and lots and lots of commentary about how what you're feeling is what everyone else goes through.

the unfortunate dynamic that can result, no matter how wise you think the individual is and how appropriate the prescription they provide may be, is a feeling that people blame you for what you are feeling ad your fault and the fact that you can't seem to just get out of your mood is a type of character flaw or weakness within you. in my case, as i shared with dr. s earlier this week, it makes the feeling that there is something wrong with me, that i'm not normal and therefore isolated and restricted from meaningful companionship all the more acute.

so what do you do, i ask, when, as much as you appreciate that people are trying to help you get better, the perspectives they are sharing really only make you feel worse instead?

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and this is where I am