Friday, November 14, 2014

running on fumes

this has been a wearying week. in addition to some of the emotional challenges i had at the beginning of the week (from which there are still some lingering effects), the pacing of activity has risen exponentially. as is happening with organizations world-wide, my organization has recognized that we need to reduce our cost structure and is taking action to do so. one of the most immediate actions is a decision to reduce the size of our workforce and so managers like me must begin the difficult task of determining who will stay and who will leave the organization. and it's not just a matter of who will be let go but also determining how we will do the work with fewer people.

i've been given the enviable task of being in charge of how we will do this work for my department of 600+ folks across the country. as you can imagine (or perhaps know from experience), something like this has to be planned to the finest detail. such planning requires untold hours of meetings and now you have a sense of what my life has been and will be like for the next few months.

it's been particularly at times like this over the course of the year that i wonder how i will be able to manage expending so much energy in the work setting without having opportunities to be revitalized outside of it? in fact not only am i not getting recharged in my off hours, there are many times during the weekday evenings and weekend hours that i am being further drained by the depressive thoughts and isolation i'm experiencing.

i am soooo tired. actually, weary would be a better word. i need some help and soon.

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and this is where I am