Sunday, May 31, 2015

and the choice is . . . .

yesterday, i was ambling around the music dvd section of my local barnes and noble and came across this collection of videos by madonna -- 47 in all. i checked to see if my favorites were on it and decided, "why not" and bought it.

i've spent the afternoon watching them (i'm on number 30 as i type this -- it's "ray of light"). part of this time, i was in the midst of an online chat with a friend who is more than a bit of a madge fan (as an example he was pretty much able to rattle off which videos were selected in order). at a certain point in our conversation, it occurred to me, given my recent penchant for selecting what i've come to call the "blog song of the day," i asked him which video he would vote for me to select for today's honor. i already had a particular one in mind and his vote turned out to be the exact same as where i was leaning.

not only is it visually arresting, the mood of the video very closely mirrors my own. the one interesting thing is i don't feel as if i have much heart left to open.

frozen - madonna

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and this is where I am