Friday, June 5, 2015

come and find me here

it's tony awards weekend, so it seemed fitting to choose a song by this particular artist to express an emotion i've been experiencing quite acutely of late.

i don't think i understand love. maybe it's because i'm not sure i've experienced enough of it in my life. but, from what i have experienced, it feels as if the pain of it often seems to outweigh the joys. and yet i do still believe that it is the greatest force of good in our world and holds the potential to heal, restore, and redeem so much.

i shared with a friend some time back that it felt that a great cruelty of this world is that love seems to elude those of us who need it most. and yet there are times i'm not clear on what form of love i want to experience. i just know i want to experience as much of the best of it as possible.

i hope it will come and find me here. and if it does, even with all of the doubts and uncertainties i've expressed, i believe i will follow.

i follow - audra mcdonald

Someone somewhere is laughing
Someone somewhere sings a sorry little song
Someone somewhere is calling me
And I follow

For the silence of my mind is deafening
Come and find me here

Ahhhh, ahhhh

Tell me why passion calls me
Tell me why I run blindly into love
Tell me why I feed this distance
When I follow

For the silence of my mind is deafening
Come and find me here

Ahhhh, ahhhh...

Ahhhhh, ahhh, ahhh...(4X)

Wear your love like a shoestring
Wear your heart exposed and unaware
Wear the promise so it calls me
And I follow

For the silence of my mind is deafening
Come and find me here

Ahhhh, ahhhh...

Ahhhhh, ahhh, ahhh...(7X) 

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and this is where I am