here's another one of those songs that speaks deeply to my heart. it concerns a declaration of support and loyalty that i hunger for but feel as if it is in very short supply in my life right now.
things have changed and i sit here haunted by the sibling thoughts of "what is wrong with me and what do i keep doing wrong that cause men to leave my life?"
people tell me i internalize the cause of the actions of others too much. i don't disagree; however, i also think that it's difficult not to when the long and continuing history of circumstantial evidence is so convincing.
and yet as much as this song touches me so strongly because of the desire to experience this from my friends, i know that it goes deeper still because this is the type of friend i strive to be. i try, but as the previous paragraph suggests, i'm not too confident in how successful i am in accomplishing that objective.
not while i'm around - josh groan
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