Monday, July 20, 2015

how it is for me

one thing i've really struggled with over the past year plus (or at least it feels like i have) is fully conveying what trying to live through this depression is like. as i was preparing to post the link to the video for this morning's song, i came across the one for the song i am posting now.

naturally, i've heard this song many times before, seeing as it's from the same album as the song posted earlier, but I'd never seen the video. as i watched the story unfold, i connected pretty strongly to both the narrative and the imagery, and i ultimately thought, "well, if i continue to feel that i'm not getting across what this experience of ever encroaching madness is like, of presenting one face to the world when you are literally coming unraveled internally, i can always say, 'watch this.'"

everybody's fool - evanescence

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and this is where I am