i think everyone has their guilty pleasures. one of mine is watching reality tv programs. on my remote bravo and hgtv are my first two saved favorite channels. unfortunately, my depression has seriously affected my ability to engage much this summer and so it's been awhile since i indulged in much tv watching at all, let alone seeing what the latest season of "housewives" are up to. last night though i felt up to it and actually watched a few episodes in one version of that franchise.
as i watched the ladies of the "oc" go through their various squabbles and turmoils, there came a point in one of the episodes where one of the women was talking with her newly moved-in boyfriend about a serious matter. he was dealing with cancer and they were talking about a form of alternative medicine treatment. as they were concluding the conversation, she turned to him and said something to the effect of, "aren't you glad you're not still single and don't have to face this all alone."
as the meaning of those words sank in, i had the immediate thought of, "thanks so much for reminding us all that there is nothing worst than being single and alone when you are going through a difficult period i your life." though, as you can imagine, it was a reminder that i could have gone the rest of my life without it being brought to my attention by someone else. i seem to be managing to do so well enough on my own.
i suppose the silver lining in this is that the person delivering that message is my least favorite person on that show. too bad that the cloud surrounding it just got a little blacker and colder.
the songs i'm posting today are repeat flyers on the blog as well. they were in heavy rotation on my ipod last year, and when thinking of what song would capture my feelings about this particular situation these are the first two that came to mind. they have been my primal scream into a seemingly uncaring world, and i could use a good scream at this moment (and a good cry wouldn't be out of order as well).
so here's the first. i can bet long-time readers will be able to guess the second pretty easily.
my heart is broken - evanescence
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