Thursday, May 26, 2011

role reversal

last night i had an interesting experience. during a fun online chat conversation with my new friend about significant childhood memories, there was a sudden outpouring of emotion. now what made this interesting is that i was not the one doing the outpouring. you see, to this point, i've been the neurotic one in this relationship, sharing my concerns and worries. my friend has been the rock of security and clear thought on the whole matter, so i read this sudden shift in tone in his online chat comments with an almost bemused attitude.

i will leave what he shared between us, but it was heartfelt and understandable given where he is in life today. he asked if in any way what he shared was causing me concern. i stated that no i understood where he was coming from and that it was actually nice to be the calm one for a change. i also said that we could only address what he was concerned about by trying, that i was more than willing to be the person that was with him in this journey, and that because of what he shared, which was motivated by concern for me, i knew that he was exactly the person i wanted to be with. that response seemed to calm the waters.

we then talked about how such honest outpourings seem to run counter to the advice we get, particularly as men, to just play it cool and seem if we aren't all that concerned or invested. he said that life is too short for playing those kind of games. i agreed. have i mentioned that i really like this guy?

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and this is where I am