Wednesday, January 1, 2014

that project

we all have one. it's that project around the house that you keep saying you're going to get to but days, weeks, even months pass by before you actually do. yesterday was my day of reckoning with the project i'd been putting off for many months -- cleaning up my second bedroom.

over the past several months that room as become a literal dumping ground for everything that i didn't want to take the time to find a place for -- books, magazines, newspapers, replaced electronics, dolls (both in and out of box), my vintage fashion magazine collection. it has become so bad that one look in caused me to make the observation, "i know there's a bed and furniture in there somewhere, but i would be hard pressed to find them."

as you would imagine, the situation has not been helped by my depressed emotional state, but depressed or not, i felt that i needed to get in there and do something about it. so yesterday i began the arduous task of bringing some order to the chaos. i state began because i've been working for the last two days and still only find myself at about the half way mark toward completion. this is a case where neither the spirit or the flesh is exactly willing and both appear to be pretty weak and there's a whole lot more work than i have energy to complete. so i'm taking it a bit at a time, hopeful that by the time i go out of town for work in about a week and half, i will be done.

i was hoping that doing this kind of work would help my mood, but it really hasn't. i work. i finish for the day. i feel sad. i guess the room isn't the only thing that's going to take some time to fix up. i'm more confident about the room though than i am about my heart.

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and this is where I am