Tuesday, October 6, 2015

a dream about a dog

last night i dreamt i was walking along the sidewalks of new york city when i came upon a dog, running back and forth between the curb and the street trying to get the attention of anyone walking by. at that point, my dog lover instinct kicked in and i thought that i should do something to help the poor puppy (a beagle by the way).

just at the moment i had that thought, i felt a gentle pressure and a tugging on my thumb. it was the eager dog making his presence known, and with that i thought, "well i guess that's decided." i scooped him up in my arms and examined him for any tags that would identify his owner or the home from which he came. nothing to be found on that front, so i thought that i needed to find the local aspca or similar shelter to take him, and hopefully, either reconnect him with his owners (assuming they wanted him) or provide him the opportunity to be found by a new family. the trick was how would i find the nearest dog shelter given that i was from out of town and had no clue where to go.

as luck would have it (and this being a dream), i spotted a veterinary clinic right down the block. i made a beeline in that direction, went in and asked the guy at the desk if he knew of a shelter. he said he didn't, but that the vet would. he offered to go ask her about it and come back with an answer.

i took a seat with the dog lying peacefully in my lap. as i stroked his fur, wanting to keep him calm and feeling of safe, i began thinking about my dog nicholas, who passed away almost six years ago. i thought about how, even after this long a time, i still missed him; and maybe i should consider keeping my new found friend of only a few hours. maybe i should consider it a sign that his grabbing my thumb meant that we were meant for one another and i should be his new owner. and wasn't it nice that alone in this great big city, i'd found someone who wanted me to be in his life.

the thoughts were interrupted by the guy at the desk returning with the doctor herself. she shared with me the address of the shelter, which happened to be just a few blocks away. just before i woke up, i remember asking if they had a collar and a leash that i could purchase.

when i did wake up, as with all dreams, i wondered what it all meant. to be honest, i can't say that i figured it out. what i did realize though is that while i'm not sure i really need another dog, it would be really great to have someone of the two-legged variety who wanted me.

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and this is where I am